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Description lykkos.shiloh

Two, youthful, enthusiastic pups exploring the sexual world. Adventurous, playful, frisky, and keen on trying everything: our content captures us!

We immerse our fans; sharing x-rated short vids/pic sets at least daily. If you are like us, we enjoy longer play sessions too: so we share longer videos weekly. We capture as many of our exploits as possible, but we wish we could share ALL our mischievous, sexual, frisky behavior. Our posting can be erratic at times, but it it will always be fresh, interesting, and unscripted. Almost all our content is posted within hours of being captured: it is 100% amateur, impromptu, and minimally edited if at all

We are verse + switches, but one thing that remains constant is that we love to please!! We never charge extra for any of our vids, pics, polls, or streams: once you become a fan you get full access to us! Interested in something more personal? We love special requests and sell our gear too!

Twitter is a tease, this is the good stuff

Tags lykkos.shiloh

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