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Description julietchaos
Hay y'all! This page has been set up to find the health care that is not covered by insurance that I need after undergoing ECT in 2019. As a side effect of electro-shock therapy I am in need of certain holistic treatment programs that are not covered by insurance. I have suffered memory loss and have been impaired cognitively. I hope to raise the funds quickly so I can continue the healing process and truly be able to thrive for the first time in my life. Let me share my story: Once upon a time there was a kR@zY GOOD WITch named Juliet Dorado Ch@os... her story all began one windy afternoon in Lameville, Indiana on September 24th, 1984... FF to 2021, oh the party has just now begun! Time to have some fun... neva eva run from a nun! ;-) Thank you, friends. I love you.
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